2022-06-01, a 20-min short talk about the utility of CoSpar
2022-10-19, invited MIA talk at Broad Institute, one-hour, focusing on the Machine Learning part of CoSpar.
2023-08-05, Learning Cell Dynamics from Single-Cell Genomic Data
2023-10-21, Exploring Cell Fate and Memory through Single-Cell Multi-Omic Lineage Tracing, availabe in Youtube or Bilibili.
2024-01-24, Westlake-Science Joint Symposium on Lineage Tracing and Cellular Barcoding
2024-11-06, The presentation video of Methyltree at an academic conference,availabe in Youtube
Media report
CoSpar from BioArt.
DARLIN & Camellia-seq from BioArt with Prof. Zhou Bin’s comments.
The story behind DARLIN & Camellia-seq by DeepTech.
MethylTree from BioArt.
MethylTree News from Westlake University